viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016


Robert Tepper is a Melodic Hard Rock/AOR singer and composer.
In 1986 he obtained success by include two of his songs on the soundtrack of two Sylvester Stallone's movies.
"No Easy Way Out" in Rocky IV,and "Angel Of The City" in Cobra.
He has released four albums in 1986,1988,1996 and 2012.
The '80s line up was:
Robert Tepper (vocals)
Michael Thompson (guitars)
Lee Dorman (bass)
Kenny Richards (drums)
Derrick Hilland (keyboards)

Robert Tepper es un cantante y compositor de Hard Rock Melódico/AOR.
En 1986 se hizó famoso por incluir dos de sus canciones en la banda sonora de dos peliculas de Sylvester Stallone.
"No Easy Way Out" en Rocky IV,y "Angel Of The City" en Cobra.
Ha realizado cuatro discos en 1986,1988,1996 y 2012.
La formación de los '80 era:
Robert Tepper (voces)
Michael Thompson (guitarras)
Lee Dorman (bajo)
Kenny Richards (bateria)
Derrick Hilland (teclados)

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